5 Amazing History Facts That You Will Be Shocked To See!

Hello friends,do you want to know about the Ancient history. If yes you have come in right place. I will tell you about ancient history facts. So lets start.

                Facts about ancient history 

1.China is inventor of....
We assume that a seismograph is invented by westerns. But that's wrong. Zang Hang,a Chinese atronomer And also scholar in literary invented first instrument for measuring earthquakes.

2.Camel replaced donkeys!
The camel was not used in Egypt until the end of the dynastic age. Instead of that,  the Egyptians used donkeys as beasts of burden, and boats as a highly convenient means of transport.

3.The ancient Greece 

In ancient Greece,the rules were very hard for the womens. They were not a citizen of greece. Though, If a woman wanted to get divorced from her husband, she just needed a male representative to make the deal in her name. However, if a man wanted a divorce, all he had to do was throw his wife out of his house.

4.India and the number system with Zero
A great Indian mathematician, Aryabhatta invented the number zero.Also the number syatem was made in india.

5. Amazing Japan...

Once, the Japanese government placed a ban on eating meat which lasted on and off for over 1,200 years. Probably influenced by the Buddhist precept that forbids the taking of life, Emperor Tenmu issued an edict in 675 that banned the eating of beef, monkeys, and domestic animals under penalty of death.

These were the amazing facts about amcient history of the world.I will be coming next week with the topic of 'Stephen Hawking'.
Please keep reading my blog.


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